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The Geestrand Tour - via Kremperheide to Heiligenstedtenerkamp

Die Geestrand-Tour

The Geestrand Tour starts in the picturesque town of Krempe.

The first part of the route runs north along the road through Kremperheide to Heiligenstedtenerkamp. In late spring, the smell of endless yellow rapeseed fields fills the air.

Here, the route runs in a wide arc in order to get you back to Kremperheide. In Krempermoor, the route takes a left turn along the Moorwettern canal and the Bockwischer Moor to Neuenbrook. The route continues past the villages of Grönland – (which happens to be the German name for Greenland – but don’t worry: in this case it really is a German village… you don’t need to book a plane ticket to get there!) and Süderau back to where you started from.

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